We will be closed from 7/1 - 7/7 No orders will ship during this time.


When a dealer is ready to send us one of their customer’s clutches for our services, they need to book the clutches into our service system. This booking process ensures we can track the clutches and provide you and your customers with the most up-to-date status while the clutches are in our shop. Please note that any clutches received without prior booking will not be checked in until the booking is completed. To avoid delays, please ensure the booking is completed before sending the clutches to us.


When you start the booking process, the first screen you will see is the Services section. Here, you will choose the service for the clutches you are sending in. Please select one.

Important: In the “Please give us any details” section, you must enter the customer’s name. This is crucial because it allows us to easily look up any services or setups we have performed for your customer. Having the customer’s name ensures that we can provide accurate and efficient service, making your life, your customer’s life, and our life easier.

Next Page: Select a Service Date

On the next page, you will need to select the date you plan to ship out the clutches. This helps us prepare for your services and manage our workflow efficiently.

Your Details

Next, enter your dealership details. This includes your dealer number and email address. Please use the same number and email address for all bookings so we can easily look up all your past services.

Item Detail Page

Please add a new item for each customer. If you include the customer’s name in the model section, it will help you easily find their UTV on the list if they ever send in for additional services.

Custom Questions

This section contains all the information we need about the order so we can properly set up their clutches. Please answer all questions thoroughly.

Once the booking is complete, you are ready to ship us those clutches.

Note: Any clutches received that have not been booked for ship-in will not be checked in and will be delayed. No services will begin until booking has been completed and you have notified us of the completion.


  • Wrap each clutch separately in bubble wrap (not the large air packs  those will break) or thick paper to keep it safe.
  • Put the wrapped clutches in a strong box, and use good packing material to fill any extra space. DO NOT USE PACKING PEANUTS


For this step, we need to have your dealer’s name, phone number, and the customer’s name. If we receive clutches without these identifiers, the clutches will not be checked in and this will cause delays.


  • We suggest insuring your package because lost, damaged, and clutch replacements can be expensive.
  • Take your box to the shipper of your choice, and please include $2000 shipping insurance. WE USE UPS. 
  • Keep the receipt and tracking number they give you to follow your shipment for insurance purposes.